Cyber Security

Protect your business from the ever-present threat of cyber attack

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  • Antispam – filter incoming email to detect phishing attacks, viruses & spam
  • Antivirus – protects you against most viruses and trojans and informs us of any threats
  • Malware – protects you from infected websites, adware & unwanted programs
  • Firewall – further protects your office network from incoming hacking attempts and viruses.

More than ever your business is at risk of cyber attacks from many different sources using many different methods. You want to be assured that your data is being protected as well as it practically can be – after all, your data, reputation and profitability are all at risk.

Ounsworth IT partner with a number of well-respected security software companies to provide a suite of systems designed to minimise the likelihood of a cyber attack and mitigate the severity of impact in the unlikely event that one does occur.

“I have used Adam’s services for many years. He is everything I need in IT support: knowledgeable, very responsive, reliable, trustworthy, competitively priced, and excellent to work with. I have been so impressed with his services that I have contracted him for several companies I have worked with, including forensic science (where security on many levels was so important), a marketing consultancy, professional associations and financial services (again, where security and confidentiality were paramount). I know I can rely on him for advice, purchases and in any type of emergency!”
Dave King
Director, Isis Financial Planners Ltd


Cyber Security Solutions

The increasingly sophisticated methods used by organised crime gangs or malicious individuals mean that a multi-faceted approach is needed. Although a crucial first step, it’s no longer sufficient to just have antivirus on your laptop. 

We provide a range of solutions which help protect your business, namely:


We provide a solution that filters incoming email and detects phishing attacks, viruses, annoying spam messages, inappropriate content and can even help divert incoming non-critical emails to separate folders (newsletters, travel, social media updates for example), meaning your inbox only contains the important messages you need to deal with.


We partner with Webroot who provide antivirus solutions. Once installed Webroot protects you against most viruses and trojans and informs us if any of your computers detect a threat. This allows us to get in touch, check the computer over and where appropriate educate the user about avoiding these threats in future. 


We partner with Malwarebytes who provide an anti-malware solution trusted around the world to protect you from infected websites, adware, potentially unwanted programs and a whole host of other threats. Most IT engineers use a free version of Malwarebytes Anti Malware as their go-to tool to detect and remove existing threats from a computer; we recommend using the full product which stops the threats before they cause a problem.


Ounsworth IT recommends Cisco Meraki firewalls. These are cloud managed devices that are kept up to date automatically and can further protect your office network from incoming hacking attempts and viruses. Meraki firewalls can also be configured to restrict how your company internet connection is used, with the ability to block access to inappropriate content such as adult websites, social media, shopping sites. They can also be set up to block access to individually specified websites.


Proactive IT Support

When we talk about IT Support, we don’t just mean we’re on hand to respond to IT problems.

We constantly strive to ensure that your IT systems are functioning and being looked after in the best way possible.

As well as covering the ‘must haves’, we always make an effort to understand your business and advise accordingly on best practices, recommended new software and hardware, and inform of any current threats to your business.

Director, Ounsworth IT

“Since first meeting Adam 10 years ago I, and the various firms with which I’ve been involved, have totally relied on him for all our IT requirements. Whether it’s new sets of equipment, creating and managing complex IT networks and looking after the security which surrounds these, or simply sorting out urgent problems which might otherwise disrupt our business activities, Adam has always risen magnificently to the challenge. His flexible, timely and cost-effective services have kept our business(es) on the tracks to the extent that I wouldn’t dream of using anyone else for IT.“
Dr Angela Gallop CBE
Stella Forensic
“Adam has supported our firm for over 14 years and has been instrumental in its success. Whether it is pro-actively suggesting updates in technology or security measures, or just that calm voice at the end of the telephone when things have gone wrong! We have always felt as if he is an extension to the firm and nothing has ever been too much trouble for him.”
Beverley Sunderland
Partner, Crossland Employment Solicitors


Frequently Asked Questions

Cyber attacks are no longer just the domain of clever hackers silently forcing their way through your firewall to get to your data. These days organised crime gangs or just malicious individuals will deploy a number of methods to trick you into letting them in to your system.

Among the more common attacks used at the moment is the phishing attack. Phishing attacks will normally start with an innocent looking email, pretending to be from a trusted source such as Microsoft, your bank, HMRC or even a colleague within the organisation. The email will ask you to click on a link which may then open a convincing login page asking you to log in to your email, bank, secure storage. Once you log in you have already effectively passed your login details to the criminal and they can then use this to defraud the company or send emails on behalf of the company to trick others.

We provide a solution that filters incoming email and detects phishing attacks, viruses, annoying spam messages and inappropriate content.