Managed IT Support for Small Business

Proactive & Responsive IT Support for Small Businesses

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  • Expert IT support for businesses with between 1 and 100 employees
  • Proactive and responsive – your IT is our problem
  • Serving businesses in Oxfordshire & further afield for over 15 years
  • Personal service from someone who knows your IT inside out

When running a small business, your time is precious. So is your reputation. Clunky, out-of-date or insecure IT systems at best have a tendency to waste time and at worst can lead to trust-damaging data breaches. You need an IT provider who you can rely on to be proactive, responsive and thorough.

At Ounsworth IT we strive to be just that. Our Managed IT Support contracts are designed to give you and your colleagues peace of mind in knowing that your IT is being looked after. Most of our clients stay with us for years.

“Adam has supported our firm for over 14 years and has been instrumental in its success. Whether it is pro-actively suggesting updates in technology or security measures, or just that calm voice at the end of the telephone when things have gone wrong! We have always felt as if he is an extension to the firm and nothing has ever been too much trouble for him.”
Beverley Sunderland
Partner, Crossland Employment Solicitors


Signs that you should move on…

There are many reasons that established businesses may want to change IT support providers. If you’re experiencing some of the issues below – or think you might be – get in touch to arrange a free of charge meeting to discuss further. No hard sell, no commitment – just an impartial chat. We can even sanity check your IT expenditure.

Unreasonably high charges for support and services

IT costs can be confusing. Over time, the number of items on your monthly invoice can mount up – and as you’re not the IT expert, most of this is based on trust.

For this reason, we believe it never harms to have your IT expenditure sanity checked. If you’d like us to, we’ll go though your costs to make sure you’re not overpaying or even paying for services you don’t need.

If we think you’re being treated fairly, we will be honest and say so. If we believe you are being considerably overcharged, we will happily provide you with an honest, like for like quote. No pushy salesmen and no pressure.

Long response times to support requests

If you have a feeling that your problems are being pushed to the back of the queue by your current support provider, it may be because they are under pressure to drop everything for their biggest and most lucrative clients. We never lose sight of what is expected of us as a support company and strive to treat our smaller clients exactly the same as our larger ones.

The feedback we get, especially through recommendations, is that our response time is very good. Typically we respond within minutes rather than hours and generally always within SLA’s (Service Level Agreements) set out in your support contract.

Turnover of support staff meaning having to explain your system to new technicians regularly

Larger IT companies can offer some assurances that they are resourced accordingly but what happens when you have an issue and you get through to a technician who has never seen or accessed your system before?

You will have to spend valuable time explaining your system and assume that they are aware of any knock-on effects of what they do. Larger support companies tend to have a higher churn of staff, increasing the likelihood that you will have to speak to someone new quite often.

With us, it’s our job to know your system inside and out. We take time to understand your business, so you don’t have to explain yourself on every call.

Promised services not being carried out

If you pay to have your systems looked after then it’s not unreasonable to expect this to be done in a professional and conscientious manner. In the past we have inherited customers from other IT support companies and have found among other things:

  • Backups not being successful for weeks or months
  • Critical security patches not installed on servers for months or years
  • Computers with no antivirus installed
  • Computers running unsupported operating systems on the network causing huge security risks

We know what a trusted position we hold as an IT support provider and take a proactive approach to managing your IT, as well as regularly monitoring your systems for issues.

Your current provider is relocating or leaving the industry

Things can change and the person who has looked after your IT for years (either a staff member or a consultant) is moving on. You didn’t see it coming and now you are left to wonder who is going to look after your IT in the future.

Our best advise is to not leave it to the last minute. We can liaise with your current provider in a friendly manner and ensure that all the information we need is passed over to ensure you are not left in the lurch.

The process is much easier if the person has not left yet but if necessary we are happy to carry out a review of the system to ascertain what information is needed as a bare minimum to support your business moving forward.


Proactive IT Support

When we talk about IT Support, we don’t just mean we’re on hand to respond to IT problems.

We constantly strive to ensure that your IT systems are functioning and being looked after in the best way possible.

As well as covering the ‘must haves’, we always make an effort to understand your business and advise accordingly on best practices, recommended new software and hardware, and inform of any current threats to your business.

Director, Ounsworth IT

“Adam has been responsible for all hardware and business software requirements for Migrate UK since 2014. Throughout this time, the business has contended with office moves, increases in team size and the transition to a totally digital environment. Every transition has been seamless and Adam has been very quick to respond with excellent advice. He also understands our business direction and ensures we are future-proofed at all times.”
Jonathan Beech
Managing Director, Migrate UK
“I have used Adam’s services for many years. He is everything I need in IT support: knowledgeable, very responsive, reliable, trustworthy, competitively priced, and excellent to work with. I have been so impressed with his services that I have contracted him for several companies I have worked with, including forensic science (where security on many levels was so important), a marketing consultancy, professional associations and financial services (again, where security and confidentiality were paramount). I know I can rely on him for advice, purchases and in any type of emergency!”
Dave King
Director, Isis Financial Planners Ltd


Frequently Asked Questions

If you are already concerned that your current provider may not act professionally during a systems handover, then this probably confirms that it’s time to entrust your business IT system to another provider.

On this note, when managing our client’s IT systems, we ensure that you as a client always have all the critical information you need – such as passwords to all major administrative accounts – so that you can easily move elsewhere if needed.

When onboarding a new client, we deal with your existing support company in a friendly and professional manner to manage the handover of information required to look after your business.

Under most circumstances we can save you money on your IT costs. Before you make any decisions, we will provide you with a full breakdown of what your monthly charges will be with Ounsworth IT, allowing you to compare prices directly with your current arrangements.

All monthly support contracts with Ounsworth detail the response time you can expect when reporting an IT issue. These vary depending on the issue severity; we use a three-tiered system to classify issues and determine priorities:

  • User inconvenience / 8 working hours
  • User or users unable to work / 4 working hours
  • Whole company IT system down / 2 working hours

In practise, our first response is more often in minutes than in hours.

We also have a break clause after 3 months should you not be happy with our service.